Tips to Set Basic Rules for Sharing a Family Computer

Tips to Set Basic Rules for Sharing a Family Computer

Whether it sits in the kitchen, the living room, or the home office, nearly every home in the nation now has a computer shared by members of the family. These versatile tools provide an assortment of different benefits, allowing users to complete homework assignments, stay connected with family and friends, and learn more about the world around them. Of course, using a computer is not without risks, as excess computer usage could cause serious problems and expose users to online threats. In order to ensure harmony in the home, it is important to establish a fair set of ground rules for using these systems.

Setting a Time Limit

Young children and teenagers alike are often drawn to the web, where one can interact on social media accounts and watch endless streams of hilarious videos. Without supervision, many children will spend hours on end glued to the screen. In order to prevent this from occurring, many parents choose to set time limits on computer usage. Not only does this ensure that kids stay healthy and well-rounded, but it can also keeps the computer available for other family members. Some homes even set defined schedules for when certain users are allowed online.

It is important to note that in some cases, extended periods of time on the computer are unavoidable. For example, students writing essays or researching papers may need extra computer time. Parents should consider setting exceptions to the rules to account for such instances.

Supervising Online Activities

The Internet is full of information on a myriad of topics, not all of which are appropriate for young users. Furthermore, children may be exposed to threats like viruses and online predators if left to their own devices. To keep risks to a minimum, many parents choose to supervise computer usage by placing the device in a centrally-located room. There are also a wide assortment of software programs that can be used to limit which sites users can visit.

Sharing a Tablet

As technology trends shift increasingly towards mobile platforms, many homes now share a tablet or other mobile devices among the many members of the family. Just like a desktop computer, it is important for parents to set guidelines for tablet usage. In some families, parents opt to set an overall "screen limit" for the day, which applies to television viewing, computer usage, and time spent on a mobile device. Limiting the time spent on these tech toys helps keep kids healthy and avoid some of the pitfalls associated with technology overload. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 4 hours of media for preschoolers.

Parents have a responsibility to equip their children with the right tools necessary for interacting with the world in a positive way. A home computer can be a powerful resource when used appropriately, which allows users to grow into mature adults with a full range of different hobbies and interests. By monitoring computer usage, limiting time spent online, and ensuring children learn the basics of sharing, parents can ensure their kids are ready for adulthood and keep their families healthy.