The Roommate Situation: 4 Cautionary Tales

The Roommate Situation: 4 Cautionary Tales

Does it annoy you when your roommate forgets to do the dishes? Or that you’re the one always taking out the trash? Well, if you think you have it bad, wait until you hear some of these roommate horror stories. They may actually make you feel better about your current situation. Or...are you the one they tell horror stories about?

Mother Knows Best

About a year ago, Julia moved into an apartment with a girl, Ali, whom she only knew through a mutual friend. They had only lived together for about a month when Julia decided to throw a Super Bowl party and invite her friends over. Ali had a test the next day (which she did not inform Julia about), so she was very angry that Julia threw this party. So, in addition to tearing Julia a new one the next day about her “inconsiderateness,” Ali had her mother come over to the apartment to scream at Julia and physically threaten her to the point that Julia nearly had to call the police to come remove her. Needless to say, they parted ways shortly after.

Party All Night

One weekend while living in the school dormitory, Kate became very ill. That Friday night, her roommates, Bri and Megan (who knew she was sick), went out to a large costume party at another local college. Once the party was over, they came home late at night and very intoxicated with several other people in tow. The costume party ended too soon for their liking, so they decided to continue partying in the dorm while Kate was trying to sleep in the other room. It was so loud and obnoxious that Kate was forced to pull herself out of bed and drive to her parent’s house in order to get some much-needed rest.

Hide Yo Wife, Hide Yo Stuff

During freshman year of college, Mia was randomly paired with a roommate, Ashley, whom she did not know. They started becoming friends until Ashley began spending more time alone in her room and not wanting to socialize. Mia started noticing a weird smell she did not recognize coming from Ashley’s room, and one day, she realized that a few of her possessions were missing. After bringing in a police officer as a witness, Mia confronted Ashley and discovered she had been using illegal substances and did indeed steal and sell some of her things. Ashley was removed from the dorm, but unfortunately, Mia’s things were never recovered.

Creepy Crawly Critters

Chris roomed with a foreign exchange student, Damien, for one semester of college. They didn't get along very well from the start because Damien, knowing Chris was a Christian, pretended to be a devil-worshipper in order to weird him out. Damien also had a fondness for bugs, so he kept a tarantula in a tank without a lid in their shared room. Chris was uncomfortable with this, so he stayed over at his girlfriend’s dorm for a whole semester instead of sleeping in his own bed. The final straws for their roommate-hood was when Damien pretended that his pet tarantula was lost (when it actually died) to freak Chris out. It seems like Damien just wanted to live by himself, but in that case, he should have selected a single room.